This page is blocked by service provider. Замена ремня вариатора Honda Zoomer / Ruckus
This page is blocked by service provider. Замена ремня вариатора Honda Zoomer / Ruckus
Замена ремня вариатора Honda Zoomer - простая по себе процедура, которая может быть выполнена абсолютно каждым любителем техники. Самое главное, делать все по инструкции и не изобретать велосипед, ведь там и так все просто. Самое сложное, с чем можете столкнуться при проведении процедуры Замена ремня вариатора Honda Zoomer - так это открутить гайки редуктора и вариатора. Вся проблема в том, что если мотор с редуктором установлен на мопеде, то это более-менее просто, но в случае, если мотор снят с рамы, выполнить это тяжелее. Но в подробности мы углубимся чуть позже, а сейчас по порядку.
Самое первое, что нужно сделать - очистить снаружи весь корпус вариатора. Во-первых, будет приятнее работать, во-вторых, вся эта дрянь и грязь не попадет потом в ремень и не станет причиной преждевременного выхода из строя ни вариатора, ни ремня.
Далее Головкой на 8мм откручиваем все болты, крепящие крышку вариатора, а также выкидную ножку стартера, там болт на 10мм. Кстати, один болт будет под корпусом фильтра.
Снимаем крышку, проверяем чтобы ничего не выпало из-за нее (ну а вдруг!), осматриваем прокладку и механизм ножного старта. Внутри потом также необходимо все прочистить от ременной пыли.
Далее разделимся на две группы: те, у кого есть специальное приспособление для блокировки вариатора, и те, у кого ее нет. В принципе, сделать ее самому не составит труда, но это время. И если Вы занимаетесь таким ремонтом не каждый день, то он Вам ни к чему. Просто возьмите любой крепкий зажим прижмите ремень. Получится так, что Вы просто зафиксировали ремень не снимая его. Если же у Вас имеется специальный съемник, то воспользуйтесь им.Далее, головкой на 17 и хорошим рычагом сорвите гайку. Если есть ударный гайковерт, то им будет быстрее.
После этого снимаем внешний диск вариатора и осматриваем его состояние. Также, было бы не плохо осмотреть сразу грузики вариатора, возможно они износились. Но об этом я напишу отдельную статью. Сейчас мы рассматриваем вопрос, как заменить ремень вариатора на honda zoomer .
Теперь перемещаемся в сторону редуктора и сцепления. Точно также зажимаем старый ремень зажимом и откручиваем гайку на 19мм. Тут можно облегчить себе жизнь - попросить знакомого опустить с подножки скутер, сесть на него и зажать задний тормоз. Это самый идеальный вариант.
Снимаем сцепление, освобождаем ремень, меняем его на новый. Внимание, не перепутайте размеры, а то если ремень будет меньшего размера, его просто сожрет со временем, если наоборот, большего, то он просто слетит по дороге.Ну а далее все в обратном порядке. Делайте все аккуратно и не спеша. От этого и от качества запчастей зависит то, когда Вы снова полезете в вариатор.
В конце Вы можете посмотреть видео о том, как разобрать вариатор. К сожалению, своего видео снять пока не могу, мотор лежит отдельно - готовится к выносу за пределы задней части рамы.
Main domain is blocked by isp перевод. Main reasons why you can’t access certain websites
Computer users typically get blocked from accessing some websites online due to several reasons. The majority of these restrictions occur because someone doesn’t want you to let into specific domains.
It may be that the specific website has blocked your IP (for example, if you commented something inappropriate or if there was a suspicious traffic noticed from your IP address). Another common explanation is that your network has a blacklist of domains that can’t be accessed by its users – this is a typical practice for work or school networks. In other situations, you may not be able to visit some websites because they’re blocked by your internet service provider (ISP) or the government.
Blocking specific websites in school or workplace is a typical practice that is used to reduce wandering minds and help users to stay focused on what’s important in that specific facility. Moreover, it helps to keep network users safe by protecting them from online dangers.
Naturally, no one at school or work wants users to access adult-only, gambling or torrent sites not only because it is inappropriate content, but also because visiting them and downloading content from them can expose the whole network to various cybersecurity risks.
When it comes to social media, such sites are not only commonly blocked to limit inappropriate and illegal behaviours such as cyberbullying, sexting, but also protect users from online predators. On top of that, such restrictions help to keep students and employees productive.
Internet censorship is often used by repressive governments for a variety of reasons. Censorship might be directed at political opposition to the ruling government (or anyone expressing criticism to it or country authorities), or at religion/minority groups. The main goal is usually preserving the reputation of the ruling government among the citizens.
Government-imposed Internet restrictions and bans can also be related to specific online content, such as torrents, pornography, social media networks or even VPNs. Some of the most censored countries in the world are China, North Korea, Iran and Belarus. For example, in China users are unable to use messaging apps from abroad and are only allowed to use local apps such as WeChat. On top of that, VPNs are blocked in China, North Korea and also in Iran (with exceptions to government-approved ones), while in other countries usage of VPNs is restricted or controlled by repressive laws.
Despite strict regulations and Internet censorship, many users still find ways to bypass Internet restrictions and access blocked websites.
Geo-blocking is also known as geo-restriction and it defines the act of blocking or restricting user’s access to specific online content based on the physical user’s location. Such measures are usually taken by media streaming companies (such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC iRadio, SoundCloud and others) to protect licensing agreements.
The licensing deals define what content (shows, podcasts, music, videos) can be streamed and where they can’t. To put it simply, media producers (such as music labels, movie studios, artists, etc.) set the licensing price based on the size of audience that the created content will be provided to.
Most of the time, media streaming companies try to adjust the licensing deals according to their understanding of what content is popular in specific countries. Although it seems a little bit ridiculous because these restrictions can be easily bypassed with VPN, they still exist.
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) typically block websites with illegal content according to specific country’s laws. These bans and restrictions might be related to topics such as drugs, terrorism, pornography, suicide, hate speech, gambling, malware and phishing, illegal file sharing or hacking. Such restrictions are meant to protect the users from unsafe content online and are usually valuable.
IP bans
Another common reason why users can no longer access specific websites is IP ban. Each Internet website typically has its own terms of use and if the visitor violates them, one’s IP can end up in the site’s blacklist. For example, if you have visited an online forum or a website and violated its rules by leaving offensive or spam comments, it is likely that the website administrators will issue a warning followed by a temporary or a permanent IP ban.
Now that you know the main reasons why you can’t access specific websites and content online, let’s dive straight into the methods that will help you to browse the Internet without facing any virtual barricades!
Parental Controls
Parents often use parental controls to prevent their children from visiting specific websites willingly or unwillingly. Often times, parents use these tools to block sexually explicit or violent websites as well as limit time on social media, gaming or streaming sites.
Computer users typically get blocked from accessing some websites online due to several reasons. The majority of these restrictions occur because someone doesn't want you to access specific domains.
Why You Can't Access Certain Websites
- The website may have blocked your IP (for example, if you commented something inappropriate or if there was suspicious traffic noticed from your IP address).
- Your network may have a blacklist of domains that can't be accessed by its users – this is a typical practice for work or school networks.
- Your internet service provider (ISP) or the government may block certain websites.
Blocking Websites in School or Workplace
Blocking specific websites in school or workplace is a typical practice that is used to reduce wandering minds and help users to stay focused on what's important in that specific facility.
It helps to keep network users safe by protecting them from online dangers, such as:
- Accessing adult-only, gambling or torrent sites, which can expose the whole network to various cybersecurity risks.
- Engaging in inappropriate or illegal behaviors, such as cyberbullying, sexting, which can lead to serious consequences.
Protecting Users from Online Predators and Inappropriate Content
Restrictions on social media help to limit inappropriate and illegal behaviors, such as cyberbullying, sexting, and protect users from online predators.
On top of that, such restrictions help to keep students and employees productive and focused on their work or studies.